Technical Innovation

Approval for New Technologies

We are a strong proponent of introducing new technologies in Japan. In general, introduction of new technologies in Japan is behind that of the U.S. and its approval process is slower. Entrepreneurs and innovative companies who want to introduce new technologies are usually not sure of the way to get an approval.

We have been helping such new technologies entering the Japaense market. Our work usually starts with explaining relevant technilcal regulations applicable to new technologies.

Radio Station Licensing

Under the Radio Law in Japan, radio waves must be utilized fairly and efficiently.  Following this law, people who want to transmit radio waves usually need to get a radio station license and comply with other relevant rules. There are many licensing categories and getting a radio station of experimental category is sometimes preferable. The two major issues for licensing is if spectrum can be available to licensee's radio station and licensee's technical specification is aligned with the law.

Our work usually starts with checking these two issues and in case that technical specification is not aligned with the law, we need to discuss a process of gettting an approval of new technologies. Please note that non-Japaense licensee has several restrictions for radio station license.

Equipment Authorization

Equipment transmitting radio waves must comply with technical regulations in Radio Law. When planning to introduce many terminals of new equipment, entrepreneurs and innovative companies usually get an equipment authorization and then such teminals can be sellable in the Japaense market.

There are several institutions that are allowed to grant equipment authorization including the most major one, TELEC and JATE. Our work for euipment authorization usually starts with discussing strategies of how to market new equipment. Please note that there are active mutual recognition agreement for telecommunications equipment with European countries, Singapore and the USA.

Unlicensed Spectrum Use

Unlicensed devices are now playing the major role in the current Information Era. We cannot get back to life without such devices. Consumers keep looking for new devices, although they do not know that such devices have many rules to comply with in the Radio Law. Actually, it is important to understand that there are several unlicensed spectrum uses.

Our work usually starts with explaining relevant technilcal regulations applicable to unlicensed spectrum uses.

Spectrum policy

Radio systems are mainly regulated by frequency assignment and technical regulations. Without getting right spectrum based on the freuqncy assignment plan, no one can operate his/her radio systems. Frequent assignment plan changes time to time but slowly and so understanding where this plan goes becomes important to design a new radio system.

Our work usually starts with explaining relevant spectrum policies administered by the MIC.

Government R&D

Radio wave usage is expanading and so the MIC is promoting R&D programs for radio systems. These R&D programs are supported by  the support of the Spectrum User Fee and its size is US$100-150 million/year. This budget is allocated to relevant R&D programs proposed and executed by R&D institutions and technology companies.

Watching how this budget is allocated helps understanding what radio system environment the MIC wants to go from the mid-to-long term viewpoints. Our work usually starts with explaining relevant R&D programs that might be suitable for entreprenuers and innovative companies.